Monday, June 15, 2009


Keeping a band together requires the delicate balancing of the personalities, egos and feelings of all members. In any group, this balance is lost from time to time and sometimes a member decides to leave. Rosie decided to leave. Who’s to blame? It doesn’t matter. It’s done. Like the song goes, “No matter how the story’s told, the end is still the same." What happens next? The future of Bakersfield remains undecided at this time. We will maintain this site for the time being and we thank you for your interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosie quit? Now thats a surprise. I've been following bands around this area for 30+ years and have never seen Rosie stay in a band for more than 6 months or so. I think it started with Don Bishop in the early 70s and I probably can name 15 others he quit on. A friend of mine heard your band at diliajs and really liked you. I hope you find a new drummer and get out again soon.

Bill W.